Success Story: zwissTEX GmbH accelerates circulation of quality management documents to one day

Success Story: zwissTEX GmbH accelerates circulation of quality management documents to one day

Do you al­re­a­dy know the suc­cess sto­ry of our cus­to­mer Amann Girr­bach on the sub­ject di­gi­tal and GxP-com­pli­ant tech­ni­cal do­cu­men­ta­ti­on for me­di­cal de­vices? Now an­o­ther suc­cess sto­ry of our cus­to­mer zwiss­TEX is available.

The title “zwiss­TEX GmbH ac­ce­le­ra­tes cir­cu­la­ti­on of qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment do­cu­ments to one day” makes you cu­rious? Read the ex­ci­ting suc­cess sto­ry of zwiss­TEX GmbH, with the fri­end­ly sup­port of edoc so­lu­ti­ons ag and Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces GmbH.

In this suc­cess sto­ry you will learn how zwiss­TEX GmbH has so far ma­na­ged the ex­ten­si­ve tasks in qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment. In ad­di­ti­on, you will find out to what ext­ent the use of an elec­tro­nic qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment sys­tem has led to an ef­fi­ci­ent so­lu­ti­on for pre­vious­ly pa­per-ba­sed pro­ces­ses, and how the di­gi­tal qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment of Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces GmbH has re­du­ced th­rough­put times from one week to one day.

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