Seminar „Industrie 4.0“ by PTS

PTS Seminar ndustrie 4.0

On 6th Fe­bru­ary 2018 the se­mi­nar “In­dus­trie 4.0 für Phar­ma” will take place in Frank­furt a. M.

With a gre­at deal of prac­ti­cal re­le­van­ce, the th­ree spea­k­ers, among them Thi­lo Gu­kel­ber­ger of Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces GmbH, will give useful im­pe­tus and prac­ti­cal ex­amp­les on di­gi­ta­liza­ti­on of pro­duc­tion-ac­com­pany­ing do­cu­men­ta­ti­on in the life sci­en­ces in­dus­try. The be­ne­fits of di­gi­ta­liza­ti­on for GMP pro­ces­ses will be a core to­pic of the pre­sen­ta­ti­on. You can ex­pect a gre­at deal of prac­ti­cal relevance.

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