New members of the Digital Life Sciences team

Introduction of the new employees Ira Seidler and Georg Langbehn

Our ste­ady growth con­ti­nues in the se­cond half of 2019 with two new mem­bers of the team.
Thus, we are plea­sed to in­tro­du­ce our new col­le­agues, here.

First­ly, Ms Ira Seid­ler now sup­ports us in our soft­ware de­ve­lo­p­ment team. She will share re­spon­si­bi­li­ty for the de­ve­lo­p­ment and main­ten­an­ce of our exis­ting soft­ware so­lu­ti­ons using re­cent technology.

Se­cond­ly, we were able to win over Mr Ge­org Lang­behn for our Sa­les and Mar­ke­ting sec­tion, whe­re he will be available for you as an ad­di­tio­nal cont­act per­son from now on.
You can reach Mr Lang­behn un­der the fol­lo­wing pho­ne num­ber: +49 (0) 2542 20201 29

We wish our new col­le­agues a good start, much suc­cess with their new
tasks and look for­ward to a pro­duc­ti­ve and long-term cooperation.

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